As you may have noticed, FTP is no longer a part of macOS High Sierra. If you are in the Terminal, you’ll get something like this:
Norms-iMac-Pro:~ norm$ ftp
-bash: ftp: command not found
An Apple Forum’s post has this reasoning.
Fortunately, there is Homebrew to the rescue. As pointed out in that post, you can install the `inetutils`, which includes FTP. All you need to do is:
brew install inetutils
Unfortunately, for me, this resulted in a linking error, as the directory `/usr/local/share/man/man8` is not writeable. You can solve this by by issuing the following command:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/share/man/man8
Then run the link command again:
brew link inetutils
I hope this is helpful and happy FTPing!